
The Prostate Papers–A Treatment Decision

As always, the disclaimer: I’m just a guy sharing his experience dealing with prostate cancer. I am not a medical professional. If you are at the prostate cancer treatment decision junction, you should be talking with your urologist and other medical professionals. My treatment choice may not be ideal for your cancer, my risk profile…

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The Prostate Papers–A Biopsy Dilemma

Before we begin, the usual caveat: I’m just a guy sharing his experience dealing with the possibility I might have prostate cancer. I am not a medical professional. Please don’t go too far down this path without the guidance of a doctor. Do your research to understand what you are dealing with, but don’t make…

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The Impact of ChatGPT on Software Jobs

We can’t seem to let go of ChatGPT. Last week, Richard posted a short article describing his concerns about the unintended consequences of ChatGPT as it enters our cultural mainstream. With artificial intelligence (AI) research no longer on the fringes of computer science, Richard’s concerns are quite valid. Will the impact of  ChatGPT on software…

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ChatGPT Explains Itself

Our episode on ChatGPT and Seniors continues to intrigue the old codgers. Please bear with us as we wrap our heads around ChatGPT and what it means to our listeners in their golden years. In this post, Gary goes to the mountain (his ChatGPT account) and returns with some answers to his burning questions. In…

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Unintended Consequences of ChatGPT

Our episode on ChatGPT and Seniors intrigued the old codgers. We’re not certain how many folks in our audience are tracking the developments surrounding ChatGPT, but we’re are still trying to understand what it means to senior citizens in their golden years as well as the impacts to the broader world. In this post, Richard…

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Free Bumper Sticker!

Hey, Campers! We have some great news. Now you can get a free bumper sticker from Camp Codger! To get your sticker just like the one below, go to www.CampCodger.com and leave a comment on a recent episode. That’s it! This limited-edition bumper sticker, with one of our favorite mottos here at Camp Codger, is…

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